Hello Again, I Moved

    So it's been a while. Quite a while. There is a lot that goes into moving. And there's still plenty of boxes to unpacked and spaces to set up. You want to know something really exciting though? 

     I have a work room. 

     I have a space specifically dedicated to creating and writing. I no longer have to make art in my bedroom. Which is pretty awesome. 

     It means that I have space to leave my art out to dry. And I can close the door and not think about work. It's really amazing.

Photo of a desk in a room surrounded by moving boxes.

     But that's probably the room with the most boxes that need to be unpacked. 

     I'd like to get back to making miniatures soon. I especially want to work on my holiday living room. 

     That doesn't mean I haven't been creating though. Digital programs like Rebelle, Inkscape, & GIMP mean that even while my other tools are in boxes I can still be creative. 

     I'm hoping I can get the work room mostly set up over the next week so I can dive back into making physical art. I want to see what I can create. 

