Workshop Diary #006 One Must Rest


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Now this has been a week. The week before I had a long list of to dos and had made great progress. I was looking to continue the progress and possibly make my tackling of it a little more organized only to have it all come to a screeching halt. I had pushed my body too far with errands and chores and had to rest for several days. 

One must know their limits and be mindful of and responsive to them. 

But the forced rest gave me an opportunity for other things. Some recreation time. (including some Minecraft building) And an opportunity to do some research and testing in the area of doll making, which I told you about earlier

A friend alerted me to a major sale that they thought I might be interested in. A collection of art programs from Escape Motions. I’m rather excited to try them out and see what I can do. One of them is a painting program that is supposed to simulate traditional art. This might be a good way to get more practice with my watercoloring. It might even give me a chance to look into oil. 

I’ve made good progress with other skills and programs, looking up tutorials from time to time, but mostly going off diving in and getting my hands dirty. It might be time to learn a little more formally. Now that I have a proper screen reader it will cut down on some of the problems I have had trying to learn just from tutorials and lessons in the past. I’m excited.
